Mini-Grant Program
What is it?
The NCHS PTSA mini-grant program is designed to be a flexible source of PTSA funding for teachers and staff to inspire creative approaches to learning and / or programs in which North County High School students may participate. Our hope is that the mini-grants will result in fun, enriching projects or opportunities for the students of NCHS that may not otherwise have been possible. Highly rated proposals are those that benefit many students, target an under served population, have broad academic and curricular value, provide a compelling need for the request, and/or provide tangible benefits to current and future NCHS students.
Who can apply?
All applicants must be current NCHS PTSA members, NCHS teachers or staff, and use the online Mini-Grant application in order to apply.
When can I apply?
Grants may be submitted at any time during the school year - the PTSA has a permanent agenda item at every meeting to consider and approve applications that come forward. There is a deadline of April 1st for the last submission(s) of the school year, and all receipts must be turned into the NCHS PTSA Treasurer for reimbursement by May 15th.
How do I apply?
All interested applicants must use the online Mini-Grant application. Applications will be screened to ensure the proposals comply with proper completion, PTSA membership status, and alignment with PTSA Mission and Purpose. The NCHS PTSA Executive Board will review and determine the awardees recommended for funding. All teacher requests will be shared with the Principal / Assistant Principal prior to determination.
Mini-Grant Funding
Based on available NCHS PTSA funds and may vary per school year. Mini-Grants will be awarded in amounts up to $300, on a first-come, first served basis, and funds will be distributed by the NCHS PTSA Treasurer. An invoice or a receipt will be required before any approved mini-grant expenditures or reimbursements are paid. Mini-grant funds must be used only for the project/items proposed in the original application. Payments / reimbursement will only be paid for approved expenses incurred during the current Mini-Grant cycle.